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Book your copies now

By Steven | February 3, 2011

I’m working my way through the newly released 6th edition of Media Law in New Zealand by John Burrows and Ursula Cheer. (Actually, this updated version was mostly done by Ursula).  It is as comprehensive as ever. If you’re wondering how much media law there has been in the last five years, we now have a definitive answer: 190 extra pages worth.  I’ll post my review for LawTalk when I’ve written it.

I was also delighted to receive a copy of the 3rd ed of Dr Matthew Collins’ The Law of Defamation on the Internet. I met Matt when I was in Melbourne, and in fact saw him in action in a defamation case. He is terrific. The book traverses the law of UK, Australia, the US, Canada, Ireland and New Zealand, among others. It also incorporates material from the European Court of Human Rights. When I’ve delved into earlier editions, I’ve invariably found it useful. As he says in the preface, “the law of defamation and the Internet has become the modern law of defamation.”

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2 Responses to “Book your copies now”

  1. AndyB Says:
    February 5th, 2011 at 4:49 pm

    Awesome, I want both of those books! Does the new edition of Media Law in New Zealand cover lots of internet topics?

  2. Steven Says:
    February 7th, 2011 at 9:20 am

    I’m only 200 pages in. It’s a general treatment of the law, which (as the text notes) mostly applies to the internet in the same way as elsewhere. But where specific internet issues have arisen, there are some new sections dealing with them.


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