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Siemer in Wonderland
By Steven | December 3, 2008
Vince Siemer is presenting his case, by videolink from Auckland, to the Court of Appeal. He has told the judges that he has “considerable respect for the institution” of the courts. This submission is somewhat compromised, it’s fair to say, by the fact that he is dressed up as Alice in Wonderland, complete with blue frock, white apron and curly wig.
His first move was to try to get two of the judges to recuse themselves for bias.
Way to win the judges over, Vince.
The key issue, you might recall, is about his right to a jury trial before being jailed for contempt. He hasn’t got to that yet, though he has canvassed the North Korean constitution and quoted Humpty Dumpty. At the moment, Vince is revisiting his argument that he triumphed in a cross-examination in a much earlier Court of Appeal hearing, and the judges then inexplicably didn’t refer to this crucial evidence in ruling against him, and have then gone to great lengths to prevent a transcript emerging, and when they were finally forced to release it, doctored it.
I’m not getting the feeling that the judges are especially responsive to his arguments. For myself, I’m looking forward to the submissions of the amicus, Rodney Harrison QC.
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