« Previous Entries Next Entries »Nipples of discontent
Tuesday, October 1st, 2013It seems the whole of NZ’s media are carrying stories of the “nipple ban”. The stories say the Commercial Approvals Bureau has denied the NZ Breast Cancer Foundation permission to run an ad about breast cancer because it features nudity. Reading through the storms of readers’ comments, I’m encouraged to find that most people think this is daffy. (Take a look at the Scottish […]
Read this, if you haven’t already
Tuesday, May 21st, 2013Andrew Geddis nails the government for another constitutional abuse.
Digital harrassment remedies coming
Thursday, April 4th, 2013Justice Minister Judith Collins has (by and large) accepted the Law Commission’s recommendations to better protect victims of cyber-harrassment. (I have explained and defended and critiqued and defended again the Law Commission’s proposals elsewhere). Note that this is not the same as the Law Commission’s recently confirmed plan to set up a one-stop regulator for the […]
Live public debates on our Constitution
Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013Debating the Constitution During April and May, the NZ Centre for Public Law (with generous support and funding from the NZ Law Foundation) will host a series of debates on issues raised by the Government’s review of the New Zealand constitution. The debates will be broadcast on Radio NZ National. Join us on VUW Kelburn […]
Labour’s weird response to the Law Commission
Thursday, March 28th, 2013News Media Standards Authority: good idea! says Labour. Just make sure there are no political appointments: Consistent ethical standards for all forms of media are necessary but politicians should be kept away from appointing complaints bodies and setting terms of reference, said Labour’s Broadcasting, Communications and IT spokesperson Clare Curran and Justice spokesperson Andrew Little. […]
Leveson solution
Thursday, March 21st, 2013If you’re interested in what the British politicians have drawn up to implement the Leveson report, you could do worse that take a gander at this summary.
Law Commission praised
Thursday, March 21st, 2013Last night, delivering the Robin Cooke memorial lecture, UK Court of Appeal judge Dame Mary Arden was full of praise of NZ’s Law Commission’s paper on media regulation. She noted that, unlike the Leveson inquiry, the Law Commission’s brief was to consider media regulation as a whole, not just focus on print media. The Commission’s […]
Speaking of irresponsible statements by NZ First MPs…
Thursday, February 14th, 2013In this Campbell Live interview about Richard Prosser’s idiotic column, NZ First leader Winston says this (denying that NZ has a successful multicultural society): Right now, we have a review commission going on about a Constitution to make the Treaty of Waitangi the cornerstone of our future Constitution. This is – how shall I put […]
We don’t need no stinking press regulation
Thursday, December 6th, 2012The Herald’s lawyer, Alan Ringwood, argues that we don’t need any statutory press regulation in NZ. Don’t listen to Levenson, he says. We don’t need to go there. (Full article here). I guess it’s not a news flash that the Herald’s lawyer would oppose statutory restrictions on the Herald. But I’m interested in his argument. […]
Greg King (1969-2012)
Monday, November 5th, 2012There are two New Zealanders whose untimely deaths have left me with a profound sadness, not just for them and their families, but also for the rest of us, because we’ve been deprived of the contribution they would have continued to make. One was Rod Donald. The other is Greg King. Most people know Greg […]
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